The Universal Mind is the Manifestation of All Thoughtform Into Physical Experience.

universal mind

What we call the Universal Mind is the manifestation of all thoughtform into physical experience.

Physical experience consists of thought that has been given substance by feeling. All feeling is based upon one of two emotions: fear and Love. However, it is important to remember that fear is Love turned inside out and upside down in the Mind to create the Illusion of Separation. Therefore, everything in physical experience is given substance by Love.

When we realize that our physical reality is made up of thought, then it is natural to want to control our thoughts to control our physical life experience. However, it is not thought that gives rise to our life experience. It is feeling. The feelings that give substance to the thoughts in our Mind create our life experience.

What we perceive as our personal mind is in fact one point of view within the Universal Mind. There is only One Mind appearing as many, and each of us can experience the Universal Mind by exploring what we perceive as our "own" mind.

A metaphor that's not entirely accurate, but might be helpful in understanding the true nature of the Universal Mind, is the relationship between a leaf and the tree it grows from. The leaf might perceive itself as an individual (especially in Autumn when it falls to the ground) but in truth it is one with and part of the tree. There is no leaf without the tree, and there is no tree without the leaf. Also, within each and every part of the tree there exists a blueprint (the DNA) which, if cloned, can re-create the tree in its entirety.

The same can be said of the Universal Mind and what we perceive as the individual human mind. Without Universal Mind there is no human mind, and without human mind there is no Universal Mind. Also, contained within each and every part of the Universal Mind is a blueprint (the thoughts or DNA of the Universe) which could potentially be cloned to re-create the Universal Mind. We exist within the One Mind, and the One Mind exists within us - literally, not just spiritually or figuratively.

When we become aware that the Universal Mind is all thoughtform given substance by feeling, then it is no longer important to us which thoughts we "choose" to create our reality. What does matter is the feeling we choose to give substance to all thought. And when we realize that we no longer need to choose between fear and Love (because there is only Love) then physical life experience becomes the Heaven on Earth that we once only dreamed of.

To learn more about the One Mind appearing as many, explore the links and watch the videos below.

OR, Go Back To: THE MIND BODY CONNECTION to learn more about how the Mind creates your reality.

~~ ARVARI: Connect With The One Universal Mind.
Gerald O'Donnell (the Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing) has combined his experience and training with military intelligence agencies together with ancient mysticism, to produce a powerful and effective training system that will allow you to access deep Theta and Delta dream states - while you are awake! While other methods and systems do exist, ARVARI is hands-down, no holds barred, absolutely the only one that will provide you with the positive heart-centered results you truly desire.

~~ The Subconscious Mind is Projecting that which the Conscious Mind is Perceiving
There is only one subconscious Mind projecting the Universe. The One Mind can project itself simultaneously as infinite conscious minds, or perceivers, that appear to be separate. In this way, the One Mind can experience itself from infinite points of view within its creations.

Metaphysics For Life Lesson 103: Universal Mind. Go to the Metaphysics Classes page to watch Lessons 101 and 102, and to get updates by email.

Watch more videos at A Mind With Heart Channel on Youtube. The official Youtube channel for Metaphysics for Life!


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