Foundation Members 
12 Week Course
For Creating A Mind With Heart 

Thank you for joining the Foundation for Creating A Mind With Heart!

In 2017 I recorded 12 live webinars called "The Course for Creating A Mind With Heart".  This 12 Part Course is now available at no additional charge for members of the Foundation!

In the Course you will notice I mention joining me at the Mind With Heart Virtual Learning Center.  Joining the Center is no longer necessary.  You can watch all 12 lessons now, right here.

After watching the video lessons, you can go to Youtube and ask questions, leave a comment, or make a suggestion for future courses. Youtube will notify me when you leave a comment, and I will reply ASAP.

Thank you again, and enjoy the Course for Creating A Mind With Heart!

Module One:
Get Your Brain Ready!

Module Two:
Connect Head and Heart!

Module Three:
Create A Mind With Heart!

Module Four:
Practice, Practice, Practice!

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Questions? Comments? Contact Metaphysics for Life.

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