Welcome To Offramp Updates
July 6 2017
This weekend I am heading up to the San Juan Islands to spend a month with my daughter. I do this at least once a year, taking care of her animals so she and her husband can get away for a bit.
While I'm away, I am making available the "12 Week Course for Creating A Mind With Heart", recorded Live at the Mind With Heart Virtual Learning Center at Expertise TV.
To subscribe, just visit this landing page and click the button:
Get Started Now
If this is your first time visiting the Learning Center you will need to create a profile at Expertise TV (it's free). Add "noreply@expertise.tv" and Mind With Heart Virtual Learning Center to your email contacts to get all the lessons.

You will receive one lesson per day - starting the day after you sign up - for about two weeks. Set aside about 30 minutes for each lesson. Or save the emails to a folder and go at your own pace.
When I get back in August, I will be launching the Mind With Heart Online Academy. To gain admission to the Academy, please watch the "12 Week Course". You will find instructions for joining in the last episode.
If you are already a Contributing Community Member at the Learning Center then YOU ARE IN! I will have details about accessing the Academy when I launch in mid August.
I will continue to check in whenever I have access to good wifi. Thanks for your patience.
Don't miss "The Course for Creating A Mind With Heart" while you can still get it for free!
Start Now
Until next week,
Ilana Moss
Heartcompass Enterprises
Metaphysics for Life
Foundation for Creating A Mind With Heart
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The Foundation for Creating A Mind With Heart
Offramp Updates
copyright 2017
Ilana Moss,
HeartCompass Enterprises
Metaphysics For Life
Foundation For Creating A Mind With Heart