Welcome To Offramp Updates
New Year 2018!
It's Our Anniversary!

I created Metaphysics-for-Life.com almost ten years ago as a way to connect with people who might be interested in connecting heart, mind, body, soul and spirit to create a better life, and a better world.
I truly believed, and I still do, that the secret to success for humanity is our connection to Source (or God, Higher Self, Spirit, or whatever you want to call the All That Is!)
As I did the research to write articles for the website, I discovered I was definitely not alone in this adventure!
There are a number of scientists, philosophers, theologians, and others who believe this connection is a requirement, not only for personal health and well being, but for making us who we need to be if we are to help each other survive and thrive into the future.
Pretty much everyone who has made this discovery has also searched for ways to make this connection to God, Source, or All That Is, something that anyone can easily and quickly duplicate and experience for themselves.
The result has been a plethora of healing techniques, meditation practices, life hacks, and even technologies that can support and shorten the amount of time it takes to make the mind/body/spirit connection.
To see what some of these are, I recommend visiting some of the more popular pages of Metaphysics-for-Life.com
(scroll down for a list of popular pages!)
But what about what I have to offer?
I said I created the site to connect with people interested in the nature of reality, and how the heart/mind/body/soul/spirit connection can change lives.
Back in 2004, I created an ebook called "Your Heartcompass Owner's Manual". It teaches you how to get your head ready, connect to your heart, listen for inner guidance, and take action in your life.
I have never sold the manual. At first, the only way to get it was signing up for personal coaching with me.
But I could only reach a limited number of people that way.
So I created an online course that includes the Owner's Manual and instructions for using it.
The course is one of the more popular and highest rated "personal transformation" courses at Udemy.com.
It's called "Total Heart Mind Body Soul Makeover" and Udemy included it in their New Year's Sale, along with many other popular courses.
But that Sale ended today.
So I want to give you another chance.
Go to the
Total Heart Mind Body Soul Makeover Course at Udemy!
Use the Coupon Code NY2018 to save 82% off the current full tuition price.
The Coupon Code expires on January 31st so don't wait.
Metaphysics-for-Life.com was launched in January 2009. Help me celebrate our Anniversary by joining me at the Total Heart Mind Body Soul Makeover at Udemy.com!
Use Coupon Code NY2018 and I will see you there!
Go To: "Total Heart Mind Body Soul Makeover" Course now!
Until next week,
Ilana Moss
Heartcompass Enterprises
Metaphysics for Life
Foundation for Creating A Mind With Heart
TOP 10 Most Popular Pages at Metapysics-For-Life.com
Metaphysics for Life has reached over one million readers!
Spiritual Metaphysics
The Five Branches of Philosophy
How Thoughts Become Things
Mind Over Matter
Balance Your Brain Hemispheres
Creating A Mind With Heart
The Mind Body Connection - Think, Feel, Act!
What Is Metaphysics
Metaphysical Science
The Foundation for Creating A Mind With Heart
Offramp Updates
copyright 2018
Ilana Moss,
HeartCompass Enterprises
Metaphysics For Life
Foundation For Creating A Mind With Heart