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June 25 2018
A Great Question!

People are asking me, "Why the GoFundMe Campaign? What is it exactly you are trying to accomplish?"
That's a GREAT question!
The truth is, this ISN'T about me. It's about the millions of people who have found Metaphysics for Life over the last ten years, whose lives have been changed.
The information people find at MFL and the
Foundation for Creating A Mind With Heart
has been known to save lives. Mine included.
How do you put a price on that? It's impossible! And I refuse to do it.
Sometimes I will offer a course and charge for it.
But I will put the recording on Youtube or on the MFL site for those who can't pay. Or, maybe they have the money, but the effect money has on our brain can prevent us from spending it on the things that really matter or make a difference in our lives.
So how do I get by?
In this virtual reality, money is a thing, and we all need it. What I have done is organize my life to run on very little cashflow.
Don't get me wrong, I am very rich! Just not in dollars.
As I have mentioned before, I live in a 1955 Vintage trailer, 250 sq feet, that I have remodeled into my own "Tiny House". That trailer is set next to a creek in the foothills of the Siskiyou mountains of Southern Oregon.
The land it sits on is owned by an older friend of mine that I have known for almost twenty years. He's getting on in years and I help him out around the three and a half acres of woods, creek, gardens, and so on, as well as taking him shopping and to appointments and such.
That takes care of all of my housing and transportation needs.
But I still need some cash.
So I have been pet sitting for friends and families, as long as they have wifi. I stay in their home, which allows me to work on Metaphysics for Life and the Foundation while bringing in a little cash.
It also allows me to travel to Northwest Washington, where my beautiful daughter and son in law live.
It's a great life, and I've been totally cared for and happy to be alive!
But things change. People get older, sources of income dry up, others become available, and new plans need to be made for the future.
Remember, the reason I do this is not just for myself.
I keep doing it because I hear from people whose lives have been deeply touched, even saved in some cases (including my own) by the things they see, hear, feel and do when they visit the site or practice
Creating A Mind With Heart.
I believe I have been put here for this very reason, and it's why I have been so well taken care of despite
all the serious challenges I have faced over the years.
So why the GoFundMe? And why now?
In January I turned 59 years.
My friend, who owns the land I live on, is older and won't be here forever.
In 2026 I will be 67 and can start collecting Social Security, which isn't much.
If I can't live where I am now because my friend is gone, then I must come up with another solution.
Well, it just so happens that two movements in our culture - the Tiny House Movement, and Airbnb - provides a perfect opportunity!
All I need to do is put a Tiny House on the land where I live and run it as an Airbnb. The income potential is around $20-30,000 per year.
That's enough to pay back any loans, and to save up enough to move when I have to, and take the Tiny House with me (the Vintage trailer is too old to move :-(
The first thing I did was approach my friend for a loan, but he is unable to do that for me right now. To be honest, I was despondent for several days.
Then, I created the GoFundMe Campaign, and it made my heart sing!
I didn't even care if, or how much, people could our would give. Just reaching out and connecting seemed to be the path I am supposed to take.
I now have a matching grant for $30,000 if we can raise the money. And I am looking for personal and/or business loans which I know I can pay back in a very short time.
The point is, I am thinking ahead and taking action.
Not just for myself, but to maintain the kind of lifestyle that has made it possible for me to keep life-giving and life-saving information freely available to anyone who might need it.
Can you imagine if someone needs A Mind With Heart, or some tip or technique on Metaphysics for Life, and they can't access it because there's a price tag??
That is the sad truth of our current society, and I want no part of it!
I am certain, as long as this information is needed, I will be provided with ways to make it available.
But my heart is telling me that the Tiny House movement and Airbnb are the way to go right now, just as living on my friend's property, and taking care of him and other people's pets, has gotten us this far.
If you want to
Help Me Keep Helping Others, then visit GoFundMe
and give if you can.
Tell your friends. And if you know any "angel investors" or others who would like to help the cause, please let me know.
Thank you!
Ilana Moss
Heartcompass Enterprises
Metaphysics for Life
Foundation for Creating A Mind With Heart
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Ilana Moss,
HeartCompass Enterprises
Metaphysics For Life
Foundation For Creating A Mind With Heart